
Maria Snyder’s Peacearth® Projects are a series of multimedia artworks and installations utilizing film and a variety of traditional and multimedia techniques, to create interactive installations inspiring and encouraging people around the world, particularly youth and young adults, to engage in dialogue around their meaning and values of peace.

Maria’s art installations have been featured at numerous organizations, institutions and schools throughout the world, including a few notable mentions: The Fulbright Center featured HeartsUnite painting at The Global Symposium of Peaceful Nations in Washington, DC. The Medical City Children’s Hospital (MCCH) in Dallas, TX, features MandalaLoveBubbles in its children’s wing and a 40 foot art installation, entitled Peace’NLove, is on permanent display in the entranceway to the MCCH in Dallas, TX.

The American Public Health Association featured Maria’s peace art “as an emerging body of work that spans graphic, advertising, and fine arts in techniques and media, while illuminating the challenges of bringing images and ideas about peace into the modern mainstream, after decades of marginalization.”